I am prone to meticulous note-keeping and journaling. However, since we’re at a bit of a crossroads between opening and still setting up, it only makes sense to take a break from writing receipts—for now, at least. Just until we have something worth ringing up.
And as it stands? I want nothing more than a moment to breathe. I knew this was coming, of course, but somehow it still caught me off guard. I’d hoped things could have gone differently… and, in a sense, they have. But the results feel awfully familiar.
There’s still plenty to do. #17 has been busy untangling the critical connections holding back Employees #26 and #35. More than that, I’ve asked #71 to keep a close watch on our prospective #44. I see now why #44 made me uneasy. A presence like his is… well, it’s natural enough, all things considered. Still, I’d gladly accept his help. Perhaps he knows more about our missing Bird than anyone else.
As our operations begin to take root, I think it’s time to establish some formal rules. Best practices, really.
Cafe and Diner Rules
Rule #1: The Number Owns the Cafe and Diner.
Rule #2: The Cafe will always open before the Diner.
Rule #3: The Diner will open in August.
Rule #4: If it’s not decaf, it’s coffee.
Rule #5: Don’t bother ordering coffee.
Rule #6: Comfort food will always be welcome.
Rule #7: Cafe Speak is always in.
Rule #9: No one bothers with the number after 7.
Rule #10: If the Cafe runs out of jam, feel free to bring your own.
Rule #11: I don’t care where you park your cars.
Rule #12: Don’t Park your cars in a “red zone.”
Rule #13: Smile, you’re on camera.
Rule #14: A quiet day is a good day.
Rule #15: It’s never a good day.
Rule #16: Don’t smile too much. You’re still on camera.
One day we can look back on this and laugh. Or cry. Whatever suits the mood.
Yours unfortunately again,
The number that always follows after 7.