DATE: 3/4/96
Welcome, welcome, churches and cafes alike to the long-anticipated—and highly requested—return of the spherical century, America’s FAVORITE Game Show:
C O M P L E X I C O!
As always and forever, I will be your most gracious of game-giving hosts, the one and only Complexico!
My sincerest thanks to the Number-Prior-to-Nine for releasing me from my Cancellation Clause. Could you believe it? They thought they could have a whole new Universe without me! And worse? My longtime rival and possible enemy to lover, Rubeus Redman, thought he could run riddles better than me. Well, the smell of trivia is in the air—so never fear; the Complexities are here!
Blah, blah, blah, rules, rules, rules. The name of the game, if you haven’t caught on yet, is: COMPLEXICO! I’ll serve up a series of six mind-melting questionably sourced and dubiously ethical meshes of trivia, puzzle recognition, obscure trivia, and occasionally cheap “uber riddles” known as COMPLEXITIES. The first to buzz in gets the next one sent to their device of choice. The first to buzz in on the last Complexity wins… THE PRIZE! What Prize? Let’s keep it a secret for now. Add to the tension of the game a bit.
Alright, enough talk. Let’s get complex!
“How good it is to be back after so long!
How did you manage without me? How did you cope?
It wasn’t too hard. At least, I hope.
But the rules remain! Fail to buzz in, your head I chop!
Don’t call it a reboot—it’s more of an echo.
If you win, great! If you lose? Das pech.
So, fingers on buzzers and stand behind the oche.
Let’s have one hell of a time!"