DATE: 09/05/95
Got a bizarre hit on the board today. Seems like a patron of ours has had a run-in with an unorthodox customer. Apparently, our patron saw this customer place their order entirely online. Obviously, customers tend to come in to pick up their orders, or at the very least, we go to them, but this sounds like a fully digital affair. Which, I suppose, isn't out of the realm of possibility, but it is... well, it is something different. I'll have to keep looking into it, but here's what I know about our new customer.
I'm going to guess their title is Mr. for right now, but I might need to bump it up to Mrs. as we get to know them. Doubt this is a Miss., but we can't rule anything out at this moment. Based on the board post, the last name is something along the lines of Xulfa. So, Mr. Xulfa. Odd name for an odd customer, I suppose. As mentioned earlier, Mr. Xulfa seems to only place orders online. Probably hard to track down, so we might need to send him an e-vite to the Cafe if we want to get a hold of him.
All that is currently really known about Xulfa is that wherever he goes, he leaves a particular message either in source code, image data, ciphers, or other means of hiding data. So far, it seems to always ask the same three questions.
"Do you see this? Can you see this? Can you enter Hell?"
As far as I, or our patron, knows, there's no obvious way to respond to him just yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if we'll have to answer those questions if we are going to take his order. Also not sure what the difference is between the first two questions. "Do" and "can" are different, I'm sure, but I can't quite place how yet. Perhaps first we have to see the message, then we have to see the message. If that makes sense. Well, I'll do some digging and probably up our internal security while I'm at it. The last thing we need is Mr. Xulfa getting into our systems, Mr. or not.