


DATE: 12/7/95


Has anyone else been having trouble with their CaDCom lately? .wording the flip to seems it ,sentence a end I time Every See what I mean?! .ends sentence a when knows CaDCom the how know even don’t I It's not like I'm doing a full line break or anything. .tech based-American other any than accurately more speech transcribe to able is CaDCom the guess I ,again Then Regardless, something is seriously wrong with at least my CaDCom, so we should probably get in touch with BaristaTech Industries to see if they can fix this.

I've already communicated to #71 about the problem, and he says he'll try and get in touch with them as soon as possible. Which, you'd assume BaristaTech would be more responsive, considering we're their only customers. We are their only customers, right? There can't be that many people who use this sort of tech. Not to mention their name is BaristaTech. Seems pretty specific to me. Plus, #71 is related to BaristaTech's owner–hey, wait! It stopped flipping things! Finally… Now I can get back to wor. Wor. Hang on… I can't use the letter after J now? Seriously? What the hec.

Oay. .annoying seriously that’s ,Well Oh, great, the flipping thing is bac again. .problem specific-CaDCom a isn’t this thin to starting I’m I guess it could be customer related. .be to not it for perfect too seems timing comedic The I guess we do have a few customers who are nown to mess with tech. .CaDComs our out phreaing be could who on thoughts any has she if see and visit a 26# pay should I ,71# to addition In …esrow gnitteg sti eil leef I

[CADCOM ERROR 97 Type-M. A critical error has occurred. Please reboot your CaDCom Device. If the Error persists, please contact BaristaTech Industries on AND Channel PAPA-15-14-20 CHARLIE-HOTEL-1 ROMEO-20-ROMEO-1-9-14]


