DATE: 5/16/96
Mr. Higden returned to the Cafe this morning. He was looking pretty down, so I decided to pour him a cup on the house. Sure seems like he's no longer interested in a quick and light shower. On the bright side, it seems like Shill's algae-infused coffee is selling well with tourists. However, if Mr. Higden keeps hanging around, it won't take long for the tourists to take an interest in his actual business, which could be bad. Though… on that train of thought—where's all the sodium anyhow? Mr. Higden's blood pressure is a-okay, so it's not like he's trying to cut back or anything.
I'm honestly surprised we haven't heard an unwanted Echo yet. It's probably something worth checking out. On the one hand, it's possible we just haven't seen any of their lapels running around; it's a big city, after all. On the other hand, their lapels stick out like a sore thumb once you know how to spot them. Even if we haven't been keeping our eyes out for them, I'm sure at least one of us would've spotted them by now. Maybe they just aren't concerned with Mr. Higden? I mean… generally speaking, he is just a Mr. and one that sort of cleans up after himself anyway.
With or without Salt and Pepper, having Mr. Higden around has certainly been… eerie. The whole South Bay has been practically painted red lately. Blood red. I can't shake the feeling that Mrs. Aka must be connected to Mr. Higden. Sure, it's a bit of a stretch to tie them together based on color alone, but between the Medium's dreams and what feels like an increase in Mrs. Aka's patronage lately… I feel like we're missing something. I'll keep monitoring Mr. Higden via our sensors, and I'll have #53 do a more hands-on customer satisfaction survey later.