DATE: 10/13/95


Anyone else feel that tremor? That was a pretty decent one. It must’ve been a 3 or 4, maybe even a 5 on the ol’ Richie Richter scale. Not saying that it’s anything particularly customer-related. We are in the Golden State, after all. Though I haven’t heard anything about it on the news yet. You know what else I haven’t heard on the news? Creepy Japanese man decked out in red, walking around Long Beach like he owns the place. Not a very glamourous headline, to be fair.

This brings me to the point of this lovely receipt: Mrs. Aka. She has been strolling around the Cafe without a care in the world. I suppose there’s no point—Woah, aftershock—uh… what was I saying. Oh, yeah, there’s no point in being surprised that she knows where the Cafe is. Her employer, Mrs. Umbra, was literally dining in like a month or two ago. And if Umbra knows where the Cafe is, Aka knows where the Cafe is. And if Umbra and Aka know where the Cafe is, well, we can be certain that Padre knows too. Though, unlike our seasonal friends up the coast, I feel like it wouldn’t be too hard for Padre to figure out where we peddle coffee with or without Aka and Umbra.

Now what does catch me off guard is that Aka is even bothering to put her face on in the morning. Just like Mrs. Pleasant last month. Which is, I feel, dangerously bold of Padre and his cohorts. You’d really think they’d be more… I don’t know, subtle about this whole business. It’s not every day that some new preacher from up north sets up shop in LA. If any of you see Mrs. Aka around, don’t even bother engaging with her. She’s a notoriously vicious customer whose insults will make you cry until your eyes bleed. Literally, she’s allegedly on a shorter leash thanks to Umbra, but as #44 pointed out, you don’t get to dance this long without working out some loopholes.


