In the realm of seven planes, the dreamer’s quest began, with an eye for the peculiar, and heart which knew no fear.
Upon the Green they gazed a scene so verdant and serene.
A hazy vision curled in the skies, the misty serpent’s coil that shimmered in her eyes.
The realm of avarice gleamed resplendent in its aureate attire, the blinding sheen of opulence amidst the hellish fire.
The fallen star of morning did shimmer too, a beacon full of life, a radiant antidote to darkness and strife.
The endless ocean’s damp embrace, a realm of ceaseless rain, the deluge pouring forth from the schisms endless vein.
The dead did sleep in their somber place, where shadows hold their court enshrouded in gloom at the very edge of time and space.
And the fires of hell burned fiercely, with brimstone’s acrid scent blanketing the realm of torment, anguish, and everlasting lament.
But when the dreamer’s gaze fell once more upon the plains of endless green, she was met with a frightful nightmarish scene.
The stench of rot and musk invoking deepest fears, a horrid buzzing filled her ears. The sun was now black as crow’s own wing, obscured by a moon that seemed to sway and swing. A celestial orb of a million flies or more, their cacophonous buzzing became a voracious roar.
Crows descended from the heavens, a murder clad in black, their caws a somber dirge upon our poor dreamer’s back. Their vision torn asunder, the nightmare’s grip released, leaving only a faint trace of the soon coming feast.