The owner has tasked me with looking into a rather... shall we say... “grotesque” order for our customer Mrs. Weekend. And I would say that I am eyeing alternatives for this eye-catching order. Though relatively speaking, it is an order I could prepare. Given time, of course. This is not a dish made in haste. I would require... well, the recipe says three years. I have six months. Or sooner. Though, let’s not push it.
The dish the owner wishes to serve Mrs. Weekend is an Icelandic dish. Svið. Boiled sheep’s head. Well, not exactly. Obviously, it wouldn’t take three years to prepare svið. The owner is after a particular portion of the dish. I think I’ve made it as clear as I can at this point. Now there is some method behind her madness here. I can’t say much for fear of running afoul of the CaDCom’s filtration systems. But Canadians have a unique connection to eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul, one might say. And if we can carefully serve the perfect sheep’s eye to Mrs. Weekend, well, she might just leave us a glowing review. That and we might get a better glimpse into her world. It’s a very spiritual dish. A very spiritual connection.
And who better than Mrs. Weekend? Well, actually, I should probably practice this meal before attempting to serve it to Mrs. Weekend. We’ll only have that small window to make it perfect for her in six months. So now we have the ethical quandary of who to serve it to first? And I can’t say how many times it will take me to get the recipe just right. There are, of course, some other resources I could look into. Namely, the Europeans. They are, in a very literal sense, named after this method of preparation. It might be worth getting in touch with the Other Cafe to see if they can lend some information on this subject.