Friend or foe, I do not know.
But with the gloom and doom now lifted,
The Sun can grace once more the West with its glow.
Still... I feel that the tides of ebon have now shifted.
Mrs. Amsiam has paid her tab at the Cafe and Diner for now. Although her friendliness might have raised a brow. I wish to remind everyone that Mrs. Amsiam is, in fact, married, and should we forget that we might end up buried. What we now know is that the flies are feeding a Crow. Who or what is this avian beast? Mrs. Amsiam nor I know… except it has a need to feast. In any case, Mrs. Amsiam has returned to Ottawa, so I'm considering her tab as no longer overdrawn.
Strange, though, they would send such a shade to check on this event. Stranger still, who would have her this way sent? I can't claim to know the flow of the pits of stygian black, but could it be someone within has our back? From what I've always known, the customers who lurk in that deepest darkness aren't too pleasant on their own. Things are shifting in the final steps of hell, at least from what I can tell. I can't shake the feeling that a king has come to reign over caverns of gloom and glum. A king, or beast, or creature, I cannot say. Though it will not be easy to keep his influence at bay.
Morbid. That is his name. I feel it in my bones. I feel it deep inside me. There is a Morbid King, and his plans are darker than any darkness I could possibly see.
A Morbid king sits upon the sunken throne of Ys,
His words are coated in thick sludge and grease.
His gurgles and groans bemoan a pleading cry,
To rise, and rise, and rise again to shift the tide.
To slay the night and bathe in her blood,
To march forward into their ancestral flood.
To ride the tides of engulfing black,
To once more take the afterlife back.