We served Mrs. Stevens her brunch with Juice. Currently OJ. There were no problems on our end, though we’re not sure what to do with this Juice yet. The batch seems bad, and I’d rather throw it out entirely at the request of my Family. Though, we typically try to return Juice to the manufacturer when we’re dissatisfied. We’ll keep serving it to Mrs. Stevens until 17 arrives and advises. We could also dump the Juice at the Column and let them decide. In any case, there’s no reason to keep old Juice lying around the Cafe.
Confirming the previous receipt details, it seems that the Juice is attracting bugs—specifically our American flies. It could be nothing, but it seems unnatural, especially considering the contents of the flies’ stomachs. There are also no signs of maggots or larvae around, just fully grown flies swarming around Mrs. Stevens’ meals. It seems the flies only eat when Mrs. Stevens eats. Perhaps they only have an appetite for fresh foods high in iron, like Mrs. Stevens. It could be worth holding on to this Juice a bit longer if only for the Triple Threat to further study these flies… however, bringing this fly problem to Long Beach seems like a bad idea.
Otherwise, Mrs. Stevens is in surprisingly good health and does enjoy jazz over small talk. Strange customer. She seems to almost enjoy hummus, but then again, she might only enjoy fresh bloody meat. Her diet might also be 50/50 or purely opportunistic. If we do hold onto this Juice for a while, we should try and switch her to vegan despite her marital status. Though, that is not my area of expertise, and I won’t be the one to do it. You all know my policy.
That’s all for now.
-Manager 26