DATE: 5/1*/2016
Like the new header? I had M.J. program it in! I have no idea how to do any of that stuff, so I'm glad I brought him along. Though he hasn't quite… "got it" yet, but I think he will soon enough. Especially if he can see it with his own eyes. Which, also, yeah, I kinda want to see "it" with my own eyes too. Not that I don't believe Sophie, but all I've seen is some scratches and debris so far. I wondered how "real" my research was, too… and the more that M.J. says this is all just an elaborate marketing scheme, I'm starting to believe him. I guess we'll find out soon enough because…
Tada! We've got our first real case to look into! I suppose the proper term would be that we have some comfort food to look into. It might even lead to some late nights. Comfort food is a "lead, tip, or evidence," and late nights are "investigations." Or at least I think that's right. I've been reading through as much of the previous Cafe's receipts as I can to get the lingo down, though a lot of them are password-protected… and I'm not that great at passwords yet. But I'll get there!
Anyway, one of our old classmates sent me a DM claiming he's seen a "customer" running around his backyard. Based on what our old classmate has said, I've decided that this customer is Mr. Perez. I'll explain more about the naming scheme later because I don't want the CaDCom to yell at me again. Oh, speaking of you really can't type * into this thing. See? ********** it doesn't work! I noticed it when I was putting the date. I asked M.J. if he could fix that, but so far, he says it's pretty hardcoded to not accept *. *****. Huh. Can't even type it out. What about 2+2? Well, that seems fine. So, I guess if you need to use "the number," figure out a variant of it.