DATE: 5/29/2016
Well, I may have been a tad bit too cocky. Sorry. I just really thought that my smear campaign worked flawlessly. Though, we might have a bit of a problem on our hands. You know how I saw that news footage of Mr. Perez and ended up finding the Cafe, and then I wanted to work here? It seems that the same thing has happened again. A strange girl showed up at the Cafe asking about the student film project me and S.W. were working on, and she sorta hinted that she wanted to help out with the project.
I know. Maybe I’m just so dang good at this job that I’ve created a genuine demand for assistants for a fictional student film project. However, this girl had a strange vibe about her. A strange presence, if you will. Plus, when I went to talk to her, she was acting MAD suspicious. The first thing out of her mouth was something like, “don’t fear me, bro,” and it’s like, I’m not going to fear this 5’ 1” punk, thank you very much. Does she think I should be afraid of her? HM? Then she went on and on about coffee, cafes, and blah, blah, blah. I was half-listening, I’ll be honest. But my ears perked RIGHT up when she said she was interested in helping with our Mr. Perez film. She said MR. PEREZ. Nowhere did me or S.W. say the “film” we were working on was called Mr. Perez. So, she knows something!
I don’t know if hiring everyone who ends up finding out about the Cafe is exactly a good idea, but this chick gives me weird vibes. Plus, S.W. has seen her hanging around too. Plus, PLUS, according to S.W., she says she’s worked for a Cafe and Diner before. I didn’t know there was more than this one, but if she’s telling the truth, it might be nice to have someone who sorta knows what they’re doing, right? I dunno. I’ll talk to J about it and see what she thinks, seeing as she’s in charge and all.