DATE: 5/16/2016

Uh… I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say here. I mean, I looked at what, uh, "J.L." wrote, but I'm still a little confused. Is this like an alternate reality game type thing? Or… maybe like a live-action roleplay type deal? I mean- It's neat, whatever it is. Like this CaDCom thing is pretty high-tech, must be a pretty well-produced game or whatever. J.L. has been insisting that it's NOT a game, but, you know, TINAG and all that. So, I guess I should introduce myself here for anyone else playing or whatever is going on.

Hi, my name is… well, I guess real names are considered "dangerous" in this game. So, I'll just do what J.L. did and use my initials, which would make me M.J. I guess J.L. added me to this… I don't know, "immersive experience?" because there is some math component or something like that. I'm alright with ciphers, and I have some computer programing experience, so I guess I can see what I can do with these "blood readings." Which I guess is what these weird numbers are:

-0.023L -0.003M +53.299S, 0B, -0.0004BB, -2.34L, 1.53A 0E 0EE 0EEE

First impressions…. It could be coordinates to a dead drop? Like, uh, geocache type deal? I don't know. I'm more of a single-player RPG guy myself. But, hey, I'm down to help J.L. out with this game-thing-whatever. She seemed to be taking it really seriously, so I'll try my best. I can make a python script to try and decrypt it in a couple different ways… if it is even encrypted. Hm. I really don't know what to do with these numbers. I guess they're supposed to be tied to a "customer," and our goal in this game is to find these customers and serve them their order? Or… something like that?


