[DATE] 6/29/22
It's nice to get some fresh air! And Salem, what a fun place! I've only ever been a handful of times. I know, I know, but No. VI, it was right there! Surely you've been a few times considering your namesake. Here's the thing, I… don't like going through Boston. Very boring place. One time I was hoodwinked into walking the Freedom Trail. That was a scam. It is not 2.5 miles long. It is 2.5 LIFETIMES long. Sooo boring. Look, here's a dead guy's house! Look a ship! Look a church! Look graveyard! Look another graveyard! Needless to say, I am never doing that again.
Now… what was I talking about today… uh… OH! Yeah, Salem. The alleged home of Ursula Langley. The FINAL LANGLEY. Well, I guess maybe Magdalena would be the last, considering we still have yet to actually see her, but you get the general idea. THE OH SO INJURIOUS LONE WOLF OF THE LANGLEY CLAN. By all accounts, she should have died from Scarlet Fever as a child, but somehow, she survived. Then you would have thought pneumonia would've taken her later, but, again, not quite. One would think FOR SURE the horse trampling would've done her in, but no, surprisingly not.
All things considered; you'd think she'd be dead by now. But, for some reason which Solomon seems to be constantly avoiding, lo and behold, she lives. Obviously, Solomon did… something… to keep her kicking well past her expiration date. And from what we've heard, whatever he did to her, Ursula was not happy about it. Which… yeah. I get where she's coming from. Everyone wants to live forever, but no one appreciates death until it's gone. It's a curse. And the longer someone lives, the more it sinks in how isolated they truly are. It's a fire that can't be put out. A fire that only creeps up until it's all that drives a shambling husk. To die is to be alive. Without that, what do you have left?