[DATE] 10/6/21



So, we got quite a few patron responses to 5's question, huh? That's, like, fantastic. It gives me to a lot to work with for sure. I also got 1313's poetic insights to pour over. Haha, pour over. Get it? Anyway, let's take a look at what you lovely patrons had to say!

First off, short and sweet XxSecretCodexX said they felt most drawn to passage B. A sentiment shared by Shrinking Violet and Huron_Cal. Everyone correctly identified it as a passage from Pieces of 8 by Romantic Richard le Gallienne. Specifically from the chapter "An Unfinished Game of Cards," which, like, everyone feels indicates there is someone or something that isn't done with us yet. The_Librologist got the inclination that perhaps ghosts from our past could be coming back to haunt us. Well, let me say this much Librologist, I am, like, sick to death of ghosts. 7max18 pointed out that it could signify the stealing away of a prize. But what prize? Hmm... very interesting. And of course, our own lovely 1313 pulled from the passage a later quote and was inspired by the poem that follows that chapter. Something I definitely think is important is the pieces of 8. Well, you all know that, as 7max18 pointed out, pieces of 8 are important in the coffee trade. But turn the coins over, and you'll see another... hm. Well, that's probably all I'm allowed to say for passage B.

The_Librologist was initially drawn more to passage C. Tipping of balances, perhaps? Possible discordance in the angelic realms? Athame pointed out an interesting line from C, "The balance-beam of Fate was bent; The bounds of good and ill were rent;" and they further went on to point out the similar sounds between "ill were rent" and "ill-intent." Now, we haven't much dealt with the Sons of Ill-Intent since... well, like, I guess last year. Though, interesting that that line also makes mention of Fate. Perhaps this balance that is tipping is tipping because of them? I certainly don't think that's a stretch. And, of course, 1313 rephrased the prose to specifically outline our three most notable Debtors.

Lastly, and out-of-orderly, passage A. 'Tis time, 'tis time. Round the filter, pour it slow. Figure eights from gooseneck go. By the whispers of ill-fated sons, something Wicked this way comes. Doesn't get much clearer than that. Thank you, 1313. Though, I'm sure 4 or 5 could have told you that something Wicked is coming. It's always coming. A yellow flame that cannot die. Ice that burns in Coldest nights and darkest hours. Ah well. One debt at a time.

Peace, Love, and Joy!


