[DATE] 9/26/21
Well, the Ozhogs ended up coming to us. I'll admit they are good at what they do. Well, that is excluding their recent mishandling of Miss. Crawford. She's a big tipper, alright. It's unclear if one of the Ozhogs contacted us or someone outside of their restaurant, but they could use all the help they can get in getting Miss. Crawford back as a customer.
Miss. Crawford is known to the Ozhogs as "customer" WRF-E4. The last part of her customer ID denotes her age. E for Elderly. And a 4 out of 5, roughly where we would place a Miss. Her credit has been frozen for roughly 130 years. Originally Miss. Crawford was given the cold shoulder by the Romanovs. After their fall, she was in the market for a real brick-and-mortar type restaurant. Then, in 1992 she was passed off again to the Ozhogs after their rise to restaurant dominance in the region. She was happy to be their customer for 29 years but has recently decided to fly the coop.
With Miss. Crawford's emancipation, things have gotten pretty brisk around here. Well, more brisk than usual. But her area of influence is pretty small. There is a chance she might try to fly back to where she was before the Russians got a hold of her. If that is the case, we might have to snake our way back to the States. Or, if the Ozhogs would be so kind, we could get a ride from them. Of course, that is all under the assumption she would fly back that way. So far, neither myself nor the Ozhogs have been able to track her down. Though weather or not she's in the area, it's pretty clear that she still is. Hard to get a glimpse of her. There is a small chance we might need to meet with the server who took her first order, assuming he's still around somewhere. 422 is looking in it.
That's all.