
//CaDCom Receipt System v4.0//

Barista: Sahir Bali

Date: Dec-3-2019

Receipt: C-HOH-001

Subject: House of Horus

Mikey is correct.

There are murmurs of a new ████—or at least a ████-adjacent organization. My offline connections have informed me of a group calling themselves the House of Horus. They’ve been making notable moves, and at the top of this organization? ████████. Alongside her brothers, ██████ and █████. I find it hard to believe those three are up to anything good. Perhaps, with ███████ gone, they finally feel emboldened enough to act.

Of course, it goes without saying that the First Cafe and Diner took down █████’s Open Door’s Church in the ’90s, and the Second Cafe dealt with ████████’ Death’s Door Nightclubs in the 2000s. But ██████? He’s been awfully quiet. Don’t you think? ██████’s epithet is "███ ██████ ███." And I would go so far as to say that ██████ is certainly a ██████… something.

If my connections are to be believed, however, I don’t like the idea of ██████ receiving help from both ████████ and █████. Hopefully, some wires have been crossed. Then again, my connections are hardly ever wrong. I believe Mikey has stumbled upon the Fourth Cafe and Diner’s very first order of business—stopping whatever this House of Horus is planning.

Now—until we know more, this is a low-priority concern. I’ve opened a tab for it, but I don’t want anyone working this case at the expense of processing their grief. I know many of you, like myself, would prefer to get back to work rather than dwell on those we’ve lost. That being said—if my sources are correct…

If ██████, █████, and ████████ are working together on something—

We won’t be able to ignore this for long anyway. Grieve while the grieving is good.

Decaffeinate Receipt

"Call Sign Epithet."

Research | 3 Words



