Barista: Sarah Blackwood
Date: Dec-2-2019
Receipt: CAD4-005
Subject: Business as Usual
Hi, everyone! Figured I should introduce myself. I’m Sarah—Sarah Blackwood. Yeah, that Blackwood. Felix was my great-uncle. My mother and grandmother run BaristaTech—makers of CaDComs and all the other specialized Barista gear you lot rely on. Jean-Marc reached out to let my family know about Felix’s passing… and, well, also to ask for updated CaDComs now that the Cafe and Diner are one big happy family. Didn’t make much sense to have some of you on V.1s, Jenni still clinging to her ancient V.2, and Florida running… whatever the heck Florida was running. So! I took on the challenge of reworking the V.3s into V.4s.
Not a huge leap—mostly just minor upgrades here and there. The biggest change? Tech support. Direct tech support. Up until now, Jean-Marc, Jenni, and Jackie would place orders with BaristaTech, and we’d fill them. And, of course, Jericho would just steal and modify our tech for his Cafe. But I figured… with you all down a Blackwood, and me looking for any excuse to get out of New Orleans for a bit… why not have an official BaristaTech representative working with the Cafe and Diner? As a full-time Barista. Plus, it frees up Mikey to work on bigger and better things, right?
Felix used to send me letters about this place. The Cafe and Diner, the wild jobs, the weird customers, the adventures. I know it’s not all fun and games—believe me, I know. Sounds like things went especially bad just last week. But truth be told?
I’d rather be a Barista in Long Beach than a Blackwood in New Orleans.
Better to risk my life doing something that matters than to risk it just for being born into the wrong family.