DATE: 28-7-17
Right then, that'll show 'em. Far as I know, Visayas tab was paid entirely, utterly, and irrevocably in full. Couldn't 'ave planned it out any better, could I? Sure, the main plan was just to run out the clock and let the old currant bun do the dirty work. But that's why I had a back-up plan ready to go, choice? I'll let you in on a little secret—the back-up plan was the main plan all along. Like my golden dove said, there wouldn't 'ave been certainty if we only paid half of Visayas tab. Getting it all together in one place—that'll do it for certain.
Now… now we've got the ‘eavy work ahead of us. Aka with all of ‘is lovely little loopholes, Pleasant with ‘is catastrophic disasters, Umbra with all ‘is scheming… Oh, and Robbie's still with 'em, too. Not going to tell porkies; I forget about him. Maybe 'cause he's small, maybe 'cause I 'aven't 'ad the pleasure of meeting him yet, maybe I just don't give much mind to harmless little figments. Who knows? But—he's as dangerous as the rest; Payroll can attest to that. There ain't much we really can do about Florida or even the rest of 'em. Nothing off the top of me loaf, anyway.
Besides, Visayas couldn't have been anything more than some muscle for Umbra. I'll admit the whole… splittin' into more pieces trick was impressive, but that probably pales in comparison to anything Umbra could pull outta Levi's Locker. Levi, Levi, Levi… Now we've got one of his on our staff… Probably need to actually sit down and have a chinwag with him sooner rather than later. I'd rather be on the same page with him than get caught up in any of his wrath… eh, or envy, I s'pose, is more his cardinal. I'll see what I can do.