DATE: 9-10-17
I’ve been monitoring the psychonautic residue left by Aplut, and everything seems more or less normal. There’s still some psychic energy built up in the Cafe, but I think that’s to be expected with how brightly Aplut shone and how quickly she tore herself apart… well… not that I didn’t help with that. The good news is that the residue isn’t growing; it’s in a steady decline. And, I was thinking, maybe it’d be nice to do a quick three-card spread to get a sense of where we’ve been—and where we might end up.
Our Past: Seven of Cups
Illusions shattered, Aplut defeated. Still, the shards of memories, emotions, and their mysteries still dig into our feet, and the blood they spill will—or maybe already have—reveal new truths. Illusions become reality only to become fiction once again.
Our Present: King of Swords Reversed
A warning. Our minds alone cannot solve the problems yet to come. We must try to see things from all perspectives, intellectual, spiritual, esoteric, and beyond. We must make the proper connections, finish every sequence, conquer every wall, and find what has been hidden if we hope to comprehend the hidden forces at play.
Our Future: Seven of Pentacles
Rewards for our efforts, I think. Good planning will lead to long-term success. As it should. We need to not jump to conclusions or rash actions, especially in regard to our Present. We must plan carefully, and if we do, it is certain we will be rewarded.
So, some things to keep in mind, yeah? Also, Barista, if you ever want a personal reading, just let me know! It sucks you can’t be here in person but know that you’re still part of the team!
Past, present, and future!