DATE: 4-12-17
Well… no luck yet in tracking down the stolen Mechanism fragments. I was hoping that it'd be, y'know, a little easier than this. That's the whole reason we let them be stolen in the first place. However, neither myself, Payroll, nor our Barista have been able to pinpoint the fragments' locations yet. Payroll has been working overtime with her usual hat tricks mixed with a touch of mixology, I've been seeing the cards might hold the answers we need, and our Barista has been trying to "second sight" her way into finding those fragments. I think… I think we need to combine our efforts if we want to succeed.
If we can somehow pool our visions together, we could create a comprehensive psychic map of where the fragments might be. The big problem right now is that we all have such different techniques… and, also, well… none of us are really able to give it our all, y'know? Like, Payroll doesn't usually do this kinda work, Barista is just getting into this stuff, and me? I've gotta hold back from using my full skill set, so I don't get Wickedly burned out and stuff. Ugh! It's so frustrating. It just feels like we're being held back and—
Wait a second. Held back. That's it! Maybe we've been going about this all wrong! In the physical plane, we are held back. But in the astral plane…? We could theoretically do anything. We could be anything. I… suppose it is a pretty far jump. But I know Barista's mind is open to the idea, and Payroll has plenty of experience there, too. There are the usual risks, of course. But—with the three of us going together at the same time? I'm not all that worried, to be honest. Plus, we've got the boys to back us up in the physical plane! Ten of Cups, remember? We need to be united, harmonic, and aligned—that's what got us this far, and it's what can get us that little bit further!
Peace, love, and Joy!