DATE: 2-20-2020



That was a bit of a disaster. Whoops. Well, like, it wasn’t exactly our fault, though, was it? Me and No. 161 just lost track of time in a major way. But it’s alright! We were still able to send Mrs. Celaeno on her way. Though her service was sort of a mix between Mrs. Kay’s and Mr. Cowon’s. She was not happy about the delay, but eventually, I think she realized that drinking a nice Ichor cocktail is better than being tied up waiting for service. Oh! Also, the light was different this time! When Mrs. Celaeno boarded her flight back to Quebec, the lights flashed a reddish orange instead of yellow, and a different part of my tattoo seemed to glow to match it.

As for whatever it was Mrs. Celaeno was protecting, we still have no idea. And we really don’t have the time to figure it out. I think maybe even literally, we don’t have the time for it. No. 3 went back to the stretch of road, and nothing unusual happened to her, though. And whatever it was, No. 26 and No. 161 were feeling seemed to have passed. I guess maybe when I sent Mrs. Celaeno back home, whatever she was protecting went with her. I guess we should still keep an eye on the general area, though, in case anything else pops up. Mrs. Celaeno did say she was working for someone, but she wouldn’t say who.

Assuming No. 4 is correct, it seems like we now have a pretty solid idea of the four drinks Quebec customers seem to like the most: Apple Juice, Amazake, Ichor, and Mead. And from how Mrs. Celaeno spoke about Ichor, it seems to be a full-fledged cocktail similar to the other Quebec drinks. Like there’s a full and accurate history of the drink that seems to match up with how they’ve been described elsewhere. It’s definitely strange how these drinks seem to be torn right off the pages of books, but I guess that’s what gives them their mythical qualities.


