DATE: 5-16-2020
TOTAL: $0.12
Don’t worry! We’re fine! …Mostly. We know No. 53’s last receipt was cut short—we hope that didn’t worry anyone. Well, we don’t even know if the Cafe is receiving our receipts right now anyway. So… I guess if you guys saw it, don’t worry! I know we’re all still figuring out this Quebec stuff—but it might be worth talking to BaristaTech to see if they can improve the CaDCom’s range here.
As for what happened, well, Miss. Alec got a hold of us. I’m… still not sure what exactly happened. I mean, there was only one of her and 11 of us—but she still managed to grab us all in one fell swoop. Maybe she had some help? Or… maybe it’s more like another one of those Quebec Hat Tricks. In any case, she then flew us directly to the central Ichor Distribution Center. We weren’t there long before being tossed down somewhere much, much deeper.
Besides being captured and imprisoned, everyone is doing fine. No. 161’s cut has even started to close! And wherever we are now is… cold and dark. The only sound we can hear is distant, ethereal wails somewhere far off. I’m not sure how long we’ve been down here, but our eyes haven’t even begun adjusting to this darkness. Once our CaDCom screens turn off, we’re back in an ink-black sea of unending night. Once we get our bearings, I’ll update you on where we are and how we plan to get the Helm back and get the hell out of… hell. Or some variant thereof.