DATE: 2-28-2020
That is certainly interesting, isn’t it? Four keys that lead to a place called “The End?” How exciting! This is the exact kind of adventure I had hoped my Cafe would get up to. Though, I’ve done a bit of my own research and I believe these four “keys” actually lead to a sort of antechamber prior to the End itself. See, I don’t think we’re actually supposed to go all the way to End. I doubt there’s anything interesting there. But the Antechamber to the End? Now that could be a neat place to go and go no further! In fact, you all could probably find these Antekeys and then I could pop over to that Antechamber and seal it up for good. I think that’d be the responsible thing to do. No one knows what might be hiding in the far reaches of the Other— ugh… you do silly words in these things, huh? No one knows what might be hiding in the far reaches of the Canada Place whatever.
And, what luck, it seems the Mor— Miss. “Bad,” or whatever, it seems like she wants to help you all get to the End! What a benevolent bird she is! Pricey, probably. But benevolent none-the-less. And I would expect her to drop off another one of her omens soon. Perhaps this one could be a bit more direct where you all should be heading? That’d be great. Because you need to find those Antekeys so I can seal up this weird mess once and for all. That’s what the Cafe and Diner does, right? Sends customers home and takes care of coffee business.
If you don’t get another omen within 1-3 business days, well, I think I’d be rather peeved about that, myself. You spend money on quality, consistency, and of course, speed. What does that have to do with Miss. Bad’s omens? Nothing. It’s just a good life lesson I, as your top manager, wished to bestow upon my employees. And anyone reading this. Which, I have been sharing these receipts with some associates of mine to ensure the quality of your work is meeting my very high standards. And…? It is! Congratulations minions! Now, let’s get those Antekeys!