DATE: 1-10-2020
TOTAL: $9.09
Howdy, y'all. First time I'm using this newfangled CaDCom version, whatcha call it. Shoot beats me. I ain't a huge fan of change, what with all these new types of customers, new management, new CaDcoms. Heck, we just got back from out of the whole dang country, and I was just gettin' used to that whole ordeal. Ah well, I didn't pick this job 'cause I reckon'd it'd be easy. I picked this job 'cause I reckon'd I'd have some fun. And at least this customer is some familiar territory for us.
Anyway, me 'an 26 er uh 4 or whatever, you know Big J, we came up to wrastle this Mrs. Hickes and a wrastlin' is just what we did I tell ya' what. Oh yeah and Little Z tagged along too, which is good, that kid needs some more good "hands on" experience with this kind of work. Heck! You know what? He ain't even a kid anymore he's what, 20 now? Time sure does fly and woowee talk about flying she sent Big J flyin'. Got him right 'cross his back mighty good with them nails of hers. I know, I know, wrastling customers might not be a "good" look for the Cafe, but sometimes man, I tell you what, these customers don't know how to wait for their coffee. Now I think it's important to point out Mrs. Hickes ain't no lemony scented customer. She's just a C of the C & C&D, you know? She doesn't mean us no harm, but she ain't afraid to fight back or dine Italian either. Shoot, I reckon she likes the taste of Italian. But anyway, me an' Big J and Little Z don't wanna do nothin' like punching out her tab in full. We don't got the heart to do that if an' we can avoid it, that is. But until we figure out what airport she flew in from, we ain't gonna be able to send her back to Ottawa.
For now, me an' Big J are gonna keep her busy while Little Z tries to figure out what airport she came in from. He's always been mighty good at that kind of thinkin'. 'Sides, as long as we keep her away from campers and what not, we shouldn't have too much to worry about. Worst case, this is an easy enough cup of coffee to sell, you know? Just 'nother big 'ol beasty in the woods.