DATE: 3-25-2020


TOTAL: $1.37

Miss. Carleton had her tab paid in full. She felt generous enough to lend some of her own blood, sweat, and tears to send Mrs. Morrison home as well. Mrs. Morrison was a rather strange customer—and so was her "mother" Miss. Carleton. First, we know that Miss. Carleton was a fan of dancing while drinking Ice Water. As you are most likely well aware, those who dance typically drink Orange Juice. However, under some circumstances, there is a bit of leeway with which beverage Padre's dancers are able to enjoy. The former Orange Juice distributor wasn't picky about where he gets his customers from as long as they have deep pockets. Outside of Orange Juice, Green Tea, Corpse Reviver, and Hot Chocolate are the most likely drinks for dancers. Ice Water, then, is rather peculiar. Although, I suppose Coffee with Creme or Snake Oil would be a much rarer sight.

Still, Miss. Carleton's, let's say, troubled lineage is an interesting topic. Unfortunately, even if we wanted to know the details with Padre out-to-lunch, I doubt we'll get the full story. We saw Mrs. Morrison grow stronger the longer she was outside of Canada. As she grew, we got a vague sense of Miss. Carleton's childhood. She went from practically nonverbal to postverbal to full-on chatty as the days went by. Her working with Mrs. Weekend is undoubtedly indicative of a higher consciousness. I suppose it was only a matter of time before she found a way out of the Teal Room.

Mrs. Morrison was also a bit of a poet, wouldn't you say? An old hat for us at this point, but it's worth giving some thought to her prose. Thirteen years and thirteen regents come as one… Who or what are these "thirteen regents?" Well, I have an idea of who one of them might be. Or, well, was. Miss. Carleton. That leaves 12 unknowns. 10 if Mrs. Morrison is also "one," but I doubt that. I have a few thoughts on who the others might be, but there is no point speculating here and now. Not while we have the other prophecies to worry about. Oh, and the "portrait of fear" or whatever it was that is supposedly hidden within No. 17's manor. We're still unsure what that refers to. We have done countless sweeps and have found nothing matching Morrison's description. It might be best to call off the search at this point and put on some coffee instead. We'll have time to worry about paintings and blood another day.


