DATE: 4-4-2020
TOTAL: $0.55
I've noticed something strange about the notebook. It has a very odd smell to it. I know, "Why are you smelling it, 611? What, did you lick it too?" Yes, and what else are we supposed to do? We can't exactly get the thing open right now, so the next best thing would be to use as many of our senses as we can to learn about it. Taste-wise it has a vague salty taste, which I blame on its prior home. However, smell-wise it has a powerful sulfurous odor. But not just sulfur, burnt paper too.
Upon a closer examination of the pages, it seems like at least one of the pages is noticeably darker than the surrounding pages. I'd even go so far as to say it was burnt. Now, I suppose it could have been burnt at any point, but I feel like the smell is too… fresh? Which could very well mean that the book has been opened recently and a page within it was burnt. I suppose that just creates more questions than answers, but at least if I'm right, it means that the book can be opened without Padre.
While I'm here, I might as well cover the other basic senses. Visually, as mentioned frequently, it's a little black notebook. It's relatively normal looking, and I'd guess it has somewhere between 100-200 pages. It's about eight by five inches. And there is, as mentioned, a noticeably darker page towards the end of the notebook. It feels like a standard notebook. It has a normal weight and all that. And sonically speaking, it is… a notebook. It doesn't make noise on its own. Though if you listen VERY closely, it almost sounds like a soft crackling noise is coming from within. Or maybe that's just my ear popping. Hard to say.