DATE: 1-13-2020
TOTAL: $0.13
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. There are these little evil people everywhere in the Cafe. And I don’t mean like, people with dwarfism, I’m not that rude jeez, I mean there’s like gross little whatever they’re called. Mrs. Lludds. I was trying to listen to some music and relax when I found one of them CRAWLING UP MY LEG. EW EW EW. You know, I was into kinda into the creepy kinda sexy church aesthetic of the new Cafe, but if we are going to have a 2ft tall pest problem, I won’t stand for it.
I’ve been checking around, and they seem to mostly be swarming upstairs on the left side. It seems they are looking for something, probably that key that gramps was on about. They also have a very little, hehe, sense of personal boundaries. If I could, I would just hairspray-flamethrower them. But I can’t even do that right now, can I? Ugh. This month sucks. If they want their little friend freed so badly, maybe I will. You know, I’m halfway tempted to let him go, but then I’m sure grandpa no-fun would be mad at me and blah blah blah blah don’t do that we need him for research ughhh.
From what I understand, the only way to really kill these creeps anyway is to spray them with some kind of bug juice, right? But we don’t really know what kind of bug is in that juice. I tried “interrogating” 53 to see if she would tell me how she got in contact with Mr. Smith and if there was like a Mr. Smith for bug stuff, but she is one hard nut to crack. So now I need to torture 44B until he solves this problem for me. I’m sure he can figure out the mystery bug we need to spray on these pests.