DATE: 1-27-2020
Ok, so we've run out of special drinks to serve to Mrs. Lludd. Well, not exactly, it would seem we ran out of Mrs. Lludd to serve special drinks to. Seems like she wasn't satisfied with the drink we made for her, so she is taking her business elsewhere. I say good riddance, to be honest. Will she ever be back? Doubt it. She's the gossiping type, and once she has a bad experience somewhere, she tells everyone else about it, and it would seem all of her friends stay away. But, of course, it was fun making her squirm while it lasted.
So what's this like mean for Quebec customers in general anyway? Are we going to start serving Quebec customers on a more frequent basis, or are we just going to pay their tabs and let 'em go? I mean, the obvious answer is a case-by-case basis, yeah? Although knowing that we can pay their tab in full with little to no consequences is nice. I mean, if something is going to happen from paying their tabs out, we would know by now... me and Nerd Butt must've paid like 20-30 tabs by now. And it was fun.
We didn't get them all, though, so Mrs. Lludd is still very much out there. But she isn't coming back here anytime soon. I assume she's going back to her home country or back to her stomping grounds in the UK. I don't really care as long as it's not here and not all over me. I can't stand clingy customers unless they're like Mr. Perez.