DATE: 4-28-2020
TOTAL: $0.7
With Thunderbolt in hand, the path is revealed—our predetermined plan. Awakened by the blood of beast I have seen visions of the land of the deceased. As expected, the final fragment of Olympus’ Antekey can only be found where the restless dead would be. Deep, down, dark, and damp in the Underworld is where our final prize lies, fingers crossed to reach it no one needs to die. Worse—while the Pearl and Thunderbolt took more novel forms it seems the final piece is adhering to more mythological norms. A helmet gifted by ancient mono-eyes; it is said to be an unparalleled disguise.
Three pieces form together into one
From the sea, to the sky, and deep below
Our work here is nearing done
Checked in, checked out, the day was won
Time raced, and paced, and ran rather slow
Three pieces form together into one
Hidden within a trickster’s idle fun
And grasped tight by morning’s foe
Our work here is nearing done
But three is only one of four to be won
From the ravens and the toad, lest not forget the crow
Three pieces form together into one
Down the Styx hidden from the sun
Pay your coppers so the boatman’ll row
Our work here is nearing done
The final fragment may appear as none
Shrouded in blood and darkness, a hidden faux
Three pieces form together into one
Our work here is nearing done