Receipt: ADS01
Author: Kikimora
Status: Open
Subject: Hyperion Cult
I don’t know what I was expecting when I heard that you had become Shaka, Capgras. Though, this is about what I imagined. The good news is that while the Zulu Division may hate your guts, the other 23 Divisions are actually pretty excited to have some new Shaka leadership. Hell, all of the Indigos seem to be on board with a less threatening, less effective, less dangerous, potentially less-evil head of Shaka. I still get reports from the Ozhog Sluzhbas, and they are all very excited to work with the new Shaka. Well, I think they’re more-so excited to have a new Shaka to dump their problems on.
Speaking of… bad news from the 100th, 200th, and 3rd Sluzhbas. Someone stole an Elder from the Freezer. Gamayun from the 3rd wants you guys to look into it because Rusalka of the 100th found a tenuous connection suggesting that the Elder was stolen by a group known as the “Hyperion Cult.” And that tenuous connection is more than enough for Gamayun to put this entirely on your heads. Congrats on the promotion, by the way. I’m sure it’s super fun.
How either of you plans on tracking, containing, and returning an Elder is beyond me. But I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Ah, who am I kidding? You’ll both be killed. I suppose I can help you out on this one was a 20th Sluzhba rep. Though I haven’t exactly gone after Elders directly in a while, I’m sure I can figure it out. We could also probably get some help from November too. I’m sure everyone in the Agency is on your side… except your own Division. I’ll get some more concrete details from Gamayun so I can let you know how dead you both are tomorrow.