Receipt: FLST05
Author: Amber
Status: Diner
Subject: Recap
Wow, okay, looks like we’ve got almost everyone back! Of course, we started with the Folistes. And from what it sounds like, Ampersand was always sort of attached to us unofficially, so Nick, Jennifer, and Dan. And the Cult of Personality ended up being the least threatening of our cults, netting us Jericho, Ranoma, and Daichi. And our New York trip was a success, so we got Kyle, Zach, and Mikey back on board. Dover, Sarah, and Katherine’s road trip was a great success, and we added Jenny, Max, Travis, and Ned back to our roster. Salenna was able to pull Sahir and Aelan back in too. And… also somehow, the Angel and Nine got involved again, which is great! The more, the merrier.
So, when it comes to former employees we haven’t reached out to yet, we still have Jackie, Julia, and Rachel. There’s also technically Nikki and Seth—but they’re both probably too busy for our shenanigans. I guess we could still pay them a visit sometime, though. Oh, and obviously Joy and Warden! Though Joy and Warden are going to be a bit… harder to reach than the others.
We probably have enough people to start figuring out what exactly we should be doing in regard to Willow DeWeaver, Bingo, and Secret. However, we should try and reach out to Jackie, Julia, and Rachel first, right? I kind of thought they’d still be in New York, but I guess they all moved back to Long Beach after the dust settled. I haven’t heard anything from those three since everything went down, but then again, I did sort of ghost everyone, so it might be more of a “me” thing than a “them” thing.