Receipt: PLJ07
Author: Jennifer
Status: Diner
Subject: Joy
We’ve got everything more or less in place to save Joy. Dan has been working on exterminating all unwanted arachnids in his house, Aelan has gathered up quite a rowdy bunch of customers, and Sahir is making the final preparations to meet with his rare connections. The plan is simple, as the simpler it is, the harder it will be to mess up. We need flexibility to prepare and react to any number of potential twists and turns the Black Thorn may throw at us. So, the plan is: we’re going to get in and get out with Joy as fast as humanly possible.
There is the expected order of the Black Thorn—a Corpse Reviver on the Rocks—however, we plan to place a uniquely Cafe and Diner order. Salenna and Jericho have scouted ahead to the site of the very first Cafe and Diner, the “Zero” Cafe and Diner. Which, as luck, though in reality, careful planning by Shaka and the Original Owner, would have it, sits directly above another entrance to Black Thorn. An entrance that should take us straight to the very heart of the Black Thorn, Willow DeWeaver’s very own web, where Joy should still be.
While saving Joy is our primary objective, Amber has made it clear that we are not to risk anyone’s life to do so. We can’t give more than we can take. And I agree. For far too long, we have all worked under the unspoken agreement that our lives came second to protecting the Universal Order. While we would all like to save Joy, or at least try to, it isn’t our job to ensure her safety for anyone’s sake but our own. At the first sign of serious trouble, we’re leaving with or without Joy.