Receipt: PSW05
Author: Blackwood
Status: Open
Subject: Business as Unusual
Well, isn’t that impressive! An actual working CaDCom system! Say hello to the CaDCom series Z, built specifically with Zulu needs in mind. It not only has all the usual features of a CaDCom, but it also has a cult database, the Zulu project database and a series of special filters for especially secret information cross-referenced to the project database and to the Zecret Codex. At least, I “think” it cross-references the Zecret Codex. As someone who hasn’t taken the Oath, I’m not exactly allowed to look and check. Oh, and it links up to the Archives 2.0 website, of course.
Oh! And I suppose I didn’t even introduce myself; my name is Sarah Blackwood, the new CEO of BaristaTech. You might’ve noticed my name in the author tag. While I am not a Zulu nor a member of the Indigos, Capgras & Twain, have offered me a sort of “tech job," like a third-party consultant. And it’s for a bit more than just my knowledge of Canadian tech. The Blackwoods, my family, have a bit of a history with the Zulus, and I should be able to help Capgras & Twain out with some of the more “esoteric” of the cult and esoteric affairs.
I have another reason for wanting to help out directly, though I suppose that would be better suited for another receipt entirely. I actually got pretty familiar with the original Cafe and Diner Archives while it was still up as I was trying to figure out how the CaDComs worked. So, I think I have a pretty good grasp of Cafe Speak if we want to use that for these “Open” receipts. Also, I saw Twain use Trivia for her passwords, so I think it’s probably a good idea to let everyone know my interests! I’m especially fond of detective stories and mysteries in general.