
Receipt: SB305

Author: Pathologist

Status: Open

Subject: Hyperion Cult

Another Sebitti for our collection. Kikimora and Dover returned from the Manor without so much as a single bite. A bit of a shame. I would've been interested in how that would've affected them. Oh well. As it turns out, the third Sebitti has taken the form of a small gargoyle. Like the second Sebitti, it, too, is motionless for now. Though it doesn't seem to have the same propensity for offering up eerie, ethereal whispers. I am certain it has a unique property though further research will be needed.

In the meantime, Zver has taken the two Sebitti we have to a secure facility under the watchful eye of a few dozen of the Freezer's best. For the sake of safety, none of us are allowed to know where he's hidden them for fear that Fenrir might gleam the information from our reports. The double-edged sword of publicly posting them online, eh Shaka? Not that it matters too much, as Zver will figure out a way to allow me to properly examine these strange Elders, hopefully, to find a way to disrupt Fenrir and the Hyperion Cults' greater aims.

Silenziosa and Twain should be somewhere in the Everwoods as I write this. Hopefully, another Sebitti can be found with a nice cup of green tea. I do wonder… if it is true that a Sebitti is hidden in each Plane, could they also somehow… represent the Plane in which they were hidden? I feel like there are some connections… a golden harp and a wrathful imp. Those make sense to me. Though I fail to see why a gargoyle would be steeped in black tea. Beyond it is, I don't know, vaguely vampire adjacent? Perhaps… the Sebitti take the form not of the Plane they are hidden in but the location as well?



