Eikositrian Coterie




In the darkest twilight of the 16th Century, the Eikositrian Coterie emerged from a schism within the established arcane circles. This chaotic collective, an assemblage of renegade scholars, alchemists, and former agents of the fledgling Decodex Society, revolted against the Society’s stringent dominion over supernatural affairs. They embarked on a quest for an unfathomable truth—a doctrine woven from the very essence of Universal Chaos. Guided by their unorthodox convictions, their search for the unsearchable led them to Olympus in the Midside Region of the Otherside. There, they made an audacious covenant with Eris, the capricious Goddess of Chaos, and thus the Eikositrian Coterie was born. Their creed, neither tethered to strict benevolence nor malevolence, predominantly steers the currents of disorder and destruction, with sporadic drifts toward random acts of kindness—though predicting the Coterie’s temperament is always a fool’s game.


The core tenant of the Eikositrian Coterie is the constant upheaval of the supernatural status quo. Their ambition is not to ascend as a new vanguard but to unmask and dismantle the deep-seated imperfections and contradictions within the existing powers. They envisage chaos as the truest cosmic crucible, a means with which to reflect the Universe’s intrinsic truths, beckoning unfettered freedom and true enlightenment—an anti-philosophy of boundless will and spontaneous action. Through subterfuge, discord, and manipulation, they relentlessly labor to undermine rival factions, igniting the ceaseless flames of chaos in their wake. Their central chaotic doctrine can be best described in the words of Crowley: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Notable Members

Lucius Vane, an erratic yet elegant figure, is often regarded as the Coterie’s unofficial helmsman, though he staunchly denies any such conventional title. The Coterie’s foundation, rooted in their rejection of hierarchical structures, embraces a fluid network of operatives. Their alliances are ephemeral, coalescing and dissolving with the ebb and flow of their chaotic pursuits. As such, leadership within the Coterie is as transient as the wind, with roles shifting based on the demands of its missions and the expertise of its members. Yet, amidst this tumultuous dynamic, Vane frequently emerges as the ultimate orchestrator of their most intricate schemes and is a known favorite of Eris herself. Also, in the winding labyrinth, which is the Coterie’s ranks, is Megara Vale, a mastermind of psychological subterfuge. She is often credited as Vane’s co-architect behind the Coterie’s most successful missions. Of other significant note is Ezekiel Storm, a cambion half-prince with a unique disdain for the various Houses of the Otherside, which he decries as the epitome of false structure and corruption.


New Dawn Coven


Decodex Society