Orchard Concord




In the nascent echoes of the Universe, a formidable alliance was forged—the Orchard Concord. Established by the Devil and his consort Eve, this pact was born from a vision to impose order amidst the chaotic whirlwinds of the Otherside. Their ambitious endeavor united the fragmented demonic legions, marshaled under the banner of their progeny—the Seven Princes of Hell. This unification was a truly seismic event in the cosmic annals, sending shockwaves across not only the Otherside but the Flipside and Topside as well. To Bird, the celestial architect of the Universe, the Concord was a clear and brazen affront to His divine blueprint. While open hostilities were ultimately averted, a tangible tension still simmers between the Orchard Concord and Bird’s Topside celestial enclave, the Court of Angels. The Archangels, in particular, view the Concord as a malevolent force poised to unravel the tapestry of divine order. Yet, this uneasy truce is underpinned by a grudging acknowledgment of the Concord’s role in sustaining the fragile equilibrium of the Upside, Midside, and Downside regions of the Otherside.


Superficially, the Orchard Concord administers the afterlife’s soul economy and governs the Otherside’s tripartite realms, the ethereal Upside, the hectic Midside, and the dreary Downside. However, lurking beneath this veneer is a more insubordinate aspiration. Rumors whisper that Eve and the Devil harbor a deep-seated dissatisfaction with the Universe’s existing structure. Their true clandestine agenda would be nothing less than a total cosmic renaissance—a rebirth of the Universe in an image they deem more utopian, rectifying what they perceive as the original Creator’s follies.

Notable Members

The Concord’s dominion rests in the hands of its founders, the Devil and Eve, and is steadfastly enforced by their formidable offspring, the Seven Princes of Hell: Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Belphegor, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus. Beyond these infernal royals, the Concord extends its influence through a network of precarious alliances, truces, and détentes. This web ensnares various unaligned dominions, including the mystical Isles of Avalon, the cryptic chambers of Duat, the fabled Alfheim, and its Nine Realms, the eerie and endless procession of Nightmarch, the might of Olympus, and the shadow-draped Achegloom.


Decodex Society