DATE: 5/25/2016
This Cafe business just gets stranger and stranger, huh? I guess that’s what I signed up for. As I was locking up last night, I saw a strange presence outside the Cafe and Diner. I was… hesitant to approach, but somehow, there was a nagging feeling that she could help us. Then I kinda thought, “hey, is this that investor J.L. was talking about?” So, I made sure Mr. Perez was secured and comfy for the night then I went outside to talk to this strange girl.
So, I approached her and said hi, can I help you, etc. She said something like, “don’t worry, I’m here to help. You’re serving Mr. Perez, correct?” And I said, maybe we are, maybe we aren’t. Because I don’t know who she is, and I figured I should play it safe, right? So, then I asked her if she was the investor. She looked confused and said that she was just a former Cafe and Diner employee and was checking on how J.L.’s Cafe was going and seeing if we needed help. I know, kinda suspicious if you ask me. But we could also probably use all the help we can get, right?
Anyway, I keep our hand pretty well hidden. At least, I think I did. I wouldn’t confirm or deny that we had Mr. Perez, but I did ask what our next steps would be if that were the case. She let out a giggle and handed me a piece of paper with coordinates on it. Then she said something along the lines of “you need to book him a flight home. You can do that here. If you need help, I’ll be in touch.” The coordinates led to DeForest Park, which is pretty close by. While I’m totally on board with taking Mr. Perez to the park… this strange girl didn’t really say what else I was supposed to do. I mean, I’ll give it a shot. What’s the worst that can happen?