[DATE] 5/11/22



Well, my lovelies, that’s another two Langley stones down and only four left to find. We’re making excellent progress on this whole messy familial affair. If you haven’t already heard, No. 26 and I will be heading the remainder of this order as No. 1 and 2 have been called on by Alfa to catch up with old friends in Long Beach. Assuming we can keep up with this pace, we should have no problem wrapping this order before it is too late. The final stones needed to subdue my father-in-law and return him to his rightful place would be Ursula, Theodosia, Malachi, and little Magdalena.

Ursula might be tricky to track down. She’s the only still-living Langley who doesn’t enjoy a nice sandwich with her drink. Solomon, Abner, Malachi, and Magdalena enjoy a sandwich with their Snake Oil, and my beloved No. 26 takes a more sinister Orange Juice with his sandwich. Ursula, however, is an odd duck. In their youth, she was known for being rather, well, disastrous. To protect his younger sister from grave injuries, Solomon worked tirelessly to shield her from the dangers of, well, living. And as a result, she has had an awfully hard time dying ever since. Though, it’s not entirely unbelievable that she has passed on in some horrendous way since then. I suppose she might be sipping Ice Water, Green Tea, or even Orange Juice. There are still a few drinks we still need to try ourselves.

Theodosia has also proved rather difficult to track down. I have spent many late nights pouring over my daughter’s records to see if I could find her among the many Corpse Reviver drinkers. No luck so far. Though, as I mentioned with Ursula, there are still a few drinks we haven’t touched yet. And there is also the chance she found herself trying out sandwiches or even possibly an Old Fashioned in her travels around the world. Theodosia lost touch with her family once she set out for her grand adventure, and it is impossible to say where exactly that took her.

As for Malachi and Magdalena, the Long Island Location is searching for them with the help of Abner. No. 116, 161, and No. 611 are helping find Malachi, while No. 3, 7, and 53 track down Magdalena. And No. 35 is doing their best to research Ursula and Theodosia. Meanwhile, No. 26 and I will continue searching through our daughter’s extensive records to see if anything else comes up from this side of the coffee trade.


