[DATE] 5/12/22



I wish I was as good at mixology as Abner and No. 161 are. It'd be super helpful for better understanding the connection between the States and Ottawa. Being able to actually SEE boundary lines? Come on! That'd be so cool! Well, at least I can now bug No. 161 to tell me all about them. Or I guess I will eventually be able to bug No. 161 about it. First things first, we'd need to find her a "viewing medium." Turns out it's not the best idea to just throw a bunch of drinks together and hope for the best, even when you have a recipe. You need the right kind of glass to serve it in—and the right kind of glass to look through when you finish your drink.

I'm sure it's no secret at this point that No. 1's viewing medium is the planchette she wears around her neck. The glass in the center is clear quartz. For what it's worth, pure clear quartz is mixologists' most common viewing material. Most stable too. Quartz glasses don't tend to impart unwanted flavors onto a cocktail. No. 0, er, No. I? The original owner, his viewing medium was his sunglasses. I know, it's a bit weird to drink out of sunglasses, and maybe this is where the mixology references fall apart. However, his sunglasses were obviously not quartz; they were probably some type of crook glass, which, yeah, also works well enough. It's also probably worth mentioning that the original owner was a bit of a special case. He usually is.

But, bringing things back to the diner and mixology, the point is any good mixologist needs some type of glass to serve their drink in. Obsidian, moldavite, silicate (quartz), and soda-lime all work, though they work in different ways. And as a mixologist gets more familiar with a certain type of glass, they tend to block themselves from using the other glass types. It's also worth mentioning that you don't NEED a glass to serve a cocktail. I mean, obviously, No. 161 has done it plenty of times in the past. Though the drinking vessels—or lack thereof—are not only rare but dangerous. Abner has some sort of unique viewing medium, and from what Abner has told us, Malachi uses none at all.


