[DATE] 10/24/21



Well, no thanks to 53; we made it out okay. However, I feel like we are farther than ever with understanding the elusive Mrs. Hanako. If you aren't already caught up, go and read 53's ramblings. Caught up? Good. So what drink does she want? Well, after the horrible night we had on the 20th… it is really hard to say. One second it's London Fogs, then the next it's Amazake. Then more classic drinks like Corpse Revivers or Orange Juice. The good news is we have at least narrowed it down to those four specific drinks. The bad news… no customer has ever had more than one favorite drink. So that places us into a rather unknown new territory.

Of course, we can't overlook Occam's Razor here. There could be four distinct customers. As unlikely as it would be to have four customers who are very, very similar in nature, it would at least make more sense than us having a customer who has more than one favorite drink. We know that the tip for this customer most likely originated from IRIS Co. So, could it be that IRIS Co. found four very similar customers and gathered them up for us in one place? I guess the question then would be… why? Why go through all that trouble just to confuse us? It sort of reminds me of the whole Miss. Crawford, Miss. Pierrot and Mrs. Pierrot affair a few weeks ago. If it is some Indigo plot, it seems to only confuse and minorly inconvenience us.

I'll be honest, I don't like that answer, though. I was there, I saw what was happening, and it wasn't four distinct customers. It was just Mrs. Hanako, and she was changing her drink preference on the spot. She changed like Mrs. Pierrot changed. Which… maybe… Maybe Mr. Bartlett is still somehow involved in this? We never did figure out what exactly his deal was. So I think the best move forward would be to monitor the skies for a few days then go in no later than Friday to close out Mrs. Hanako's tab. While I would love to stay longer and have her fill out some customer surveys, she is not in a very good spot to do so. It was already a pretty hot cup of coffee to sell that we did that much damage to the school during "Radon" testing. I feel the least we can do is take care of the problem fully. So sometime this week, we'll head in with four different solutions to this problem and hope that one of them sticks, I guess.


