[DATE] 10/25/21



Myself, along with 5 and 6, will be performing surveillance of the bowling alley today and potentially tomorrow. As mentioned by 5, we can do little to fully pay out Mrs. Florida's tab. Assuming the Cafe doesn't want to go into even more debt. Though 6 is prepared to pay Mrs. Higgins' tab if necessary. We might not be able to pay her tab in full, but we should be at the very least able to smudge out her signature for a few hours. 5 has recommended against looking under the bowling alley in advance. I disagree.

So, I looked under the bowling alley. As much as I could without causing any new damage, that is. Higgins and Florida have torn up most of the lanes at this point, and it's clear they have yet to find what they are looking for. Knowing Florida, it's something that will improve upon her lowly status in this world, or perhaps, the next. There is also a chance that Florida is working under the directive of M.K. and Umbra. Not sure where she falls in that conflict. If she is working with M.K. and Umbra, it will behoove us to get in touch with... Well, with her.  Despite our collective feelings about that.

In any case, small sweeps of the area have returned something interesting. There is a third customer at play, and they do not like any of our current drinks. They prefer something more old-fashioned and Eclectic. That might be a good name for that drink, "old-fashioned." If we ever decide to put a drink to it, that is. Not that we get too many old-fashioned drinkers in here. I'm not sure who this geezer is, but there is a good chance Mrs. Florida and Mrs. Higgins are trying to find them as well. Perhaps they live beneath the alley? 

That's all. 

-Manager No. 4


