


DATE: 31-8-17



And that’s that, innit? Another month done and dusted. And it was a bloody busy one, wasn’t it? What with Stronsay, then Thyrs, then this Aplut thing. It’ll be a bit of sugar and spice to take a breather, lawds below willin’. And I think we sent the Dark a right proper message not to Elliot Ness with us or our stuff. Though it does make me wonder if all my little kit and kitsch would be better Frank Bough, hammer and tack, across the pond. Nah. NAHHH. Not in Jordie’s or Will’s German bands. Can’t trust them as far as I can throw them. And I can throw Jordie right far—he’s a 6-stone-nothing-twig, after all.

Should probably butcher into some sorta storage for it all though. Especially if the Dark knows what I’ve got here, more or less. Still a bit of a crust of bread scratcher though, choice? What would they possibly want out of my collection? That’s the only reason I can think that they’d try and scare us off—why’d they want the Cafe to themselves for a bit. Which also reminds me, it’s a bit unfair don’t you think? They know where we live and work, and we don’t have an inkling where they conduct all their sinister schemes. We’ll have to fix that too. Chicken pen out the chance, that is.

As for the coming month, I can’t imagine Umbra’s just going to drop the chuffin’ whole Aplut thing cuz my golden dove shattered ‘is mirror. If I understand it right, the mirror has served its purpose already—it’s got Aplut back out. It’s just finding a suitable Drum for Aplut to dwell in that’s Umbra’s problem. I reckon you can’t find a mind quite like the Original Owner’s. So, we’ve gotta keep an eye on them and any potential ‘omes they might find for Aplut. ‘aving seen a glance of them, they’re one customer we don’t want comin’ ‘round our Cafe.


