DATE: 5-6-17
…Was everyone waiting for my input? Uh… Well… I don’t know! Everyone always brings up good points! I hate always being in the middle. On the one hand, yes, I think the Manager could make for a good “leader” of the Cafe. He is very talented, and he has been in the Coffee Trade since he was born. But, on the other hand, he is… reckless. If he were to be our leader, I think I’d prefer it if he was… uhm… more sober. And less hot-headed. And maybe a touch more compassionate and empathetic? Y’know? I don’t think we need to put ALL of our energy into the Dark, or the Wicked, or, well, whatever.
But—I also don’t necessarily think I’d make for much of a good leader. Even if it was cooperative—I just don’t know that I have the… uhm… conviction. The drive. Does that make sense? I’m… definitely more of a follower. And it’s not just because I grew up in a cult! Big Guy grew up in the same cult as me, and he’s like a total natural leader. He’s always been super strong-willed, level-headed, and direct. But… maybe that’s not what a Cafe needs, per se. There needs to be that extra special edge. The… “8” factor, yeah?
So… I think out of the four of us, it should be Payroll. I mean, the original Owner of the First Cafe is the one who gave her an 1/8th in the first place! He must’ve seen the 8 factor in her. Especially because he didn’t just hand it out to everyone in the First Cafe, either. Of the people there, from what Payroll has told me, only #71, #35, #44, and she got an 1/8th. So, even if she totally hates the idea of having responsibility or people looking up to her or whatever, I think she’s the perfect pick. Besides, I would way rather have just one person calling the shots instead of three.
Peace, love, and Joy!