[Date: Dec/19/24]


[Barista: Hazelnut]

[Subject: Mr. Nex/Complexico]

[File Reference: TPH05-Paid]

Well… that was one crazy-ass game show from the mind of an Eldritch madman. And honestly? I loved it! Can’t wait to play again someday. Maybe next time we’ll get stickers! Not that our actual prize isn’t good—it’s a Cycle-shifting shard. You know, the kind that brought us to Snow Prime. It was supposed to be our ticket home but, uh… turns out it’s not.

See, Mr. Nex—sorry, Complexico—charged the shard using my energy. Apparently, my energy is a little… different? Higher? Less cyclical than it should be. Long story. We’ll get into it later. Anyway, Complexico seems to be heading off to meet some guy named Shaka and their “friends” for what might be ill-intents… or the opposite good will?? I don’t know. I wasn’t exactly paying attention to that part. I was way more focused on the stickers thing. Like, what kind of stickers do you think Complexico hands out? Are they of his face? Or, well, mascot head? Holographic? Vinyl? Cheap, on-demand printed ones?

I know, I know—I should be more excited about the potential new escape route we just got, but… man, I’m still kinda bummed we didn’t get any stickers.

Oh—right. The other thing.

So, it definitely seems like Snow’s Quisby is now fully aware of our meddling here. If he wasn’t already. I mean, I don’t know exactly how much control a Quisby has over their Domain, but it’s got to be a lot, right? And from what Shaka said, plus what we heard from Snow’s own Quisby, he’s… starting to become something “separate.” Like, separate from the actual, factual Snow, who’s still goofing off in Hibby’s Archives. And that was enough to scare Complexico off. So, yeah, I’m glad we have an out now too. Even if I’d rather not use it… you know, unless we really have to.


